The puma (Puma concolor since 1993, previously Felis concolor) is a type of feline (cat) found in North, Central, and South America. Though large in size this cat cannot roar, but instead purrs and has even been said to make eerily humanlike screams when courting. It is more closely related to the common house cat than to the African lion. It is also known by the regional names of cougar, mountain lion, panther, catamount, American lion, Mexican lion, Florida panther, silver lion, brown tiger, deer tiger, ghost cat, mountain screamer, Indian devil, sneak cat, king cat, ghost cat, and painted cat. The word puma comes from the Quechua language. In Brazil it is also known as suçuarana, from the Tupi language, but also has other names. In fact in the English language the puma has over 40 different names.
Pumas are tawny-colored with black-tipped ears and tail. The puma can run as fast as 50 km/h (30 mph), jump 6 m (20 ft) from a standing position, vertically leap 2.5 m (8 ft), and often weigh more than 70 kg (150 lb). Their bite strength is more powerful than that of any domestic dog. Puma claws are retractable and they have four toes. Adult males may be more than eight feet long (nose to tail), and have a mass of about 70 kg (weigh approx 150 lb). In exceptional cases males may reach as much as 90 kg. Adult females can be 2 m (7 ft) long and have a mass of about 35 kg (weigh approx 75 lb). Puma kittens have brownish-blackish spots and rings on their tails. Their life span is about a decade in the wild and 25 years or more in captivity.
Pumas that live closest to the equator are the smallest, and increase in size in populations closer to the poles.
(courtesy wikipedia.com)
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