To remove gum from clothes or other fabric items, harden the gum by applying an ice cube to it. It should be possible to scrape away the hardened gum from the fabric with a dull blade. To remove gum from hair, apply an oily substance such as vegetable oil or peanut butter.
The first bubble gum formulation, Blibber-Blubber, was developed in 1906 by Frank Fleer. However, the gum was never marketed.
According to a 1970s Smithsonian magazine article, Walter Diemer, an employee of the Frank H. Fleer Company, improved the Blibber-Blubber formulation in 1928, resulting in the first commercially successful bubble gum, Dubble Bubble.
However, the true inventor and patentee of Dubble Bubble has yet to be publicly acknowledged, mostly due to confusion created by a popular 1960s game show called What's My Line. Seeking the inventor of bubble gum to include in its line-up of guests, the writers for What's My Line consulted with the Frank H. Fleer Company. At 35 years subsequent to his invention of Dubble Bubble, the true creator of the Dubble Bubble formula, Gilbert Mustin, Sr., was deceased. Realizing that the publicity opportunity was too valuable to decline, the Fleer Corp. decided to cast Walter Diemer (Gilbert Mustin's accountant, who knew nothing about chemistry at the time of bubble gum's invention) as the charmingly haphazard inventor of bubble gum. In the 1970s, the Smithsonian magazine followed suit, publishing an article on the inventor of bubble gum, whom they claimed to be Walter Diemer. After interviewing the elderly Diemer, who at this point was consumed by senility, Smithsonian portrayed Walter Diemer as the undisputed hero of children across the world. To this day, Diemer is publicly acknowledged as the accountant who accidentally invented Dubble Bubble. So far, no publication has acknowledged the fact that Gilbert Mustin's name lies on the original 1928 patent for Dubble Bubble.
Gilbert Mustin colored his creation pink because it was the only food coloring he had at the time. Dubble Bubble's pink color set a tradition for nearly all bubble gums to follow.
During World War II, another gum manufacturer, The Topps Company, marketed a brand of bubblegum under the name Bazooka. Beginning in 1953, Topps added a small comic strip packaged with the gum featuring the character Bazooka Joe who became the newest craze in the bubblegum industry.
In 2000, Dubble Bubble instituted a national bubble blowing contest in the United States for children aged 12 and below held at branches of Wal-Mart. This has been repeated every year since then. In 2003, the contest spread to the United Kingdom.
(courtesy wikipedia.com)
That's a very interesting bit of info...and to think that no major publications have exposed this story.
Haha. Thx. yarp. reading this blog can help general knowledge i guess. haha
Good Afternoon!!! de-foto.blogspot.com is one of the most outstanding resourceful websites of its kind. I take advantage of reading it every day. Keep it that way.
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