A firehose is a thick, high-pressure hose used to carry water or other fire retardant (such as foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Outdoors, it is attached either to a fire engine or a fire hydrant. Indoors, it can be permanently attached to a building's standpipe or plumbing system.
The usual working pressure of a firehose can vary between 8 Bar (0.8 MPa) - 20 bar (2.0 MPa), while its bursting pressure can be up to 63 bar (6.3Mpa). (This level of pressure emitted by the hose can actually break in a weaker brick wall.)
This high pressure also allows the fire hose to serve as an effective form of crowd control, including most notably by Bull Connor in the Deep South against civil rights protestors.
(courtesy wikipedia.com)
dude,one tip yea-cut the defining thru wikipedia stuff,readers ain't interested in those thins-instead a small personalised description,running about 1-2 sentences,about why u chose the obejct,wether it had smtg to do with ur experience or imagination,wud be much more fascinating.
Hi dude. thanks for commenting yeah. yeah, it's kind of boring. but it does increase you general knowledge when you read them. Isn't it better when you discovered "about why u chose the obejct,wether it had smtg to do with ur experience or imagination" and also getting some knowledge about the subject which I shot? Well, my 2 cents worth. no offence :)
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