Outstanding One

We had the blooming of the flowers. Now, of course we must also have the end. Everything in this world will come to an end. This flower is shot nearby and it seems that it is wethering. However, one must notice that it still have one of its beautiful petal extending proudly outwards. The strongest survivor?
Love the shot and what it says about surviving till the last. You are on dr.johns list of blogs to visit, so hi there. Love your pointing to heaven photo and the lake photo, really nice.
oh what a fitting picture and words right now..an outstanding picture. truly it is. there is beauty in the beginning and in the end of all things. i just witness the end of a beautiful flower myself. this post deserves a poet's thought, the picture another..i wish i had them in me..but all i can do is admire them both and agree.
Dr. John made you his link of the day and if you knew how grateful i am.
Also here, thanks to Dr. John who finds us gems of blogs such as yours. Your series from bloom to end is lovely and worth pondering. I also really enjoyed your "Royalty Ground" - indeed it is!
I like your posts. I read through them as I was trying to comment. I like the series but I do not know the mname of the flower. I came from Dr John.
Beautiful posts!! Such lovely, thought provoking photos. I think these are called shasta daisies in America???
Visiting from Dr John's
Blessed be...
It seems such a shame for in yesterday's shot we had a moment to do the "He loves me. He loves me not" trick. Today, it is as if the flower did it for us with that one strong beautiful petal. Sticking out just to say, "He loves you!"
Stopping by via Dr. John this morning.
Wow.. that comment from margaret (above mine) really summed it up well..
I didn't even think of it that way...
I'm one of Dr. Johns commenting folks.. here to sprinkle comment dust!
It almost looks as if it's waving goodbye.
I'm also here courtesy of Dr. John's always excellent taste in blog links.
It makes me sad to think of this little flower whithering away...soon it will be covered with snow. Hello, Im here courtesy of Dr John. He is the big Kahuna of blogging. And he has excellant taste in blogs! And you are the pick of the day!!!
Its a margurite daisy..mine have just started to come out although its still cold in NZ and doesnt feel like spring at all!
Popping by from Dr John
It looks more like the White Rabbit over at Dr. Johns has been eating here!
: )
a bright yellow flower (oops- I thought it was a dandelion) -what a cheerful sight on such a snowy/rainy/dreary day here!
I understand your interest in photography and enjoy it immensely myself. Dr. John sent me here, too.
I love your photos even the sad little daisy but, it is not the end ~ there are seeds to come. Life goes on my friend!
Busy as a bee, dr. john sent me.
Beautiful photo's
it's sad to think winter's on the way and all the lovely flowers are withering away.
dr john sent me
To jafarabit,
Thank you. What is dr john anyway? Am i so lucky? haha.
To Chana,
Yeah, a lovely poem will enchance this photo of mine. There will always be a start and an end.
To Sunflower Optimism,
Thank you for your kind words. The series seems to be from a few days but its actually just different flowers.
To Betty,
oh, someone commented that it is Marguarite. Not sure if i got the spelling correct. haha
To sleeplessinoklahoma,
Thank you. Shasta daisies.. wow, sounds like my math 2 teacher
To Margaret,
wow, that's a beautiful idea. so simple, yet so strong.
To ArtsyTartsyViray,
Haha, great mind thinks alike
To Stacy,
Oh, something like its hand waving in the air? Bye bye to dear life and hello to new seeds too
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