The internal struture of a flower consists of 4 whorls:
- Sepals (collectively called calynx)
- Petals (collectively called corrolla)
- Stamens (the male part)
- Carpel or Pistil (the female part)
The sepals protect the flower in the bud stage and usually appear green in colour. The petals are colourful and attract insects for pollination. Stamens are comprised of the filament and the anther which has pollen sacs. These pollen sacs in turn produce pollen grains. The carpel consists of ovary, style and stigma. Due to pollination the pollen grains are transferred from the anthers to the stigma. Due to this fertilisation occurs. The pollen grains are taken to the ovary by the style and the ovary changes into the fruit and the ovules inside theovary change into seeds.
(courtesy wikipedia.com)
youve got talent.. are you a pro? where you from?
href="http://thygoodies.blogspot.com/2006/08/flowers-in-attic-tshirt-reprinted.html">Flowers in the Attic
youve got talent.. are you a pro? where you from?
href="http://thygoodies.blogspot.com/2006/08/flowers-in-attic-tshirt-reprinted.html">Flowers in the Attic
This is getting good Stanley, this is getting good :) you are improving by the day nicely done. Keep it up and good luck for your exams
Thank you emokid. I;m not a pro and I'm studying in Melbourne now.
Thank you Antoine. So long didn't hear from you. haha. Thank you. Just had my literature paper just now.
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