
Taken at barcode, melbourne central. this is like a pub, bowling, arcade, pool place. But of course, we went there to play pool only. the pool table was small and it had a very small ball and a full sized stick. and that's "why" I cannot really score.
Since their invention in the 20th century, barcodes -- especially the UPC code -- have slowly become an essential part of modern civilization. Their use is widespread and the technology behind barcodes is constantly improving. Some modern applications of barcodes include:
- Practically every item purchased from a grocery store, department store and mass merchandiser has a barcode on it. This greatly helps in keeping track of the large number of items in a store and also reduces instances of shoplifting. Since the adoption of barcodes, both consumers and retailers have profited from the savings generated.
- Rental car companies keep track of their cars by means of barcodes on the car bumper.
- Airlines track passenger luggage with barcodes, reducing the chance of loss.
- Recently, researchers have placed tiny barcodes on individual bees to track the insects' mating habits.
- NASA relies on barcodes to monitor the thousands of heat tiles that need to be replaced after every space shuttle trip.
- The movement of nuclear waste can be tracked easily with a bar-code inventory system.
- More recently, barcodes have even started appearing on humans. Fashion designers stamp barcodes on their models to help coordinate fashion shows. The codes store information about what outfits each model should be wearing and when they are due on the runway.
- In the late 1990's in Tokyo, there was a fad for temporary barcode shaped tattoos among high school girls.
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