Famous Red Little Thing

Who cares of such an old, greasy thing. Well, I love it cause it's so dirty and dusty. Almost anyone who had watch hollywood action/ comedy movie will know this. The scene when the cars hit it and allthe water will burst out. Die Hard even use it to almost bring down a heli.
The concept of fire plugs dates to at least the 1600s. This was a time when firefighters responding to a call would dig down to the water mains and hastily bore a hole to secure water to fight fires via bucket brigades or, later, via hand pumped fire engines. The holes were then plugged with stoppers, which over time came to be known as fire plugs. This is the source of the colloquial term fire plug still used for fire hydrants today. After the Great Fire of London in 1666, the city installed water mains with holes drilled at intervals, equipped with risers, allowing an access point to the wooden fire plugs from street level. [1]
(courtesy of wikipedia.comm)
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